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2016 Scholar

University of Miami

Caitlin Brown is entering her second year of the Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Miami, where she divides her time between clinical work and research. Caitlin's work focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of ethnic and cultural minorities with serious mental illness. Currently, she is involved in a line of research on bilingualism and psychopathology, examining whether the language of clinical assessment (English or Spanish) impacts perceived symptom severity and effortful control in bilingual Hispanics with schizophrenia.



2016 Scholar

University of South Florida

Mollie McCullough, a Lakeland resident, is in her fifth year of the School Psychology doctoral program at the University of South Florida. After having the opportunity to work with 3rd grade students at a local charter school for three years, she was inspired to continue her education in the field of school psychology. Her current research and training focuses predominantly on promoting healthy classroom environments for students and teachers, in addition to supporting positive school climate initiatives through professional development and consultative services. She will be completing a school psychology internship in Pinellas County and finishing her dissertation during the 2016-2017 school year.

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